How Much Does It Cost to Build a Pick Up and Delivery Service App Like Airtasker?

Maneesh Jha May 14, 2024
How Much Does It Cost to Build a Pick Up and Delivery Service App Like Airtasker

On-demand apps have revolutionized service access globally, providing unmatched convenience and a seamless user experience. These apps offer a wide range of services accessible through smartphones, catering to the desire for instant gratification. Services like food delivery, transportation, cleaning, and handyman services are now just a few taps away. This convenience, coupled with access to diverse services, has fueled the immense demand for on-demand apps worldwide.

These apps also present numerous opportunities for businesses, expanding their reach, streamlining operations, and providing valuable user data. On-demand apps like Airtasker in Australia have become central to modern service interaction, offering a structured yet flexible platform for outsourcing tasks. For businesses looking to enter this market, understanding the costs and strategic requirements to develop a similar platform is crucial.

Building an app like Airtasker requires thorough market analysis, planning, and significant technological investment, with costs typically ranging from $30,000 to $250,000. This blog will guide you through the crucial factors influencing Airtasker-like delivery service app development costs, and other vital aspects for a successful app launch. Let’s dive in!

Are you ready to build your own service delivery app like Airtasker

Airtasker: Redefining Task Delegation and Service Discovery

Airtasker stands as a transformative online and mobile marketplace, bridging the gap between people and local service providers for task outsourcing and service discovery. Users can easily post tasks ranging from cleaning and gardening to handyman services, moving assistance, and even virtual tasks like graphic design or website development. Task posters specify the price they’re willing to pay, and interested taskers bid or offer fixed-price services.

Once a task is completed, payment is facilitated through the platform, providing a seamless way for individuals and businesses to efficiently complete tasks, while offering taskers opportunities to find work in their local areas.

Key Statistics and Milestones

Airtasker boasts a user base exceeding 1 million customers, with over 2.5 million tasks completed to date and a staggering 4 million user reviews. Since its inception, the platform has secured a total funding of $30.9 million, solidifying its position as a leading marketplace connecting task seekers with skilled service providers.

The platform’s revenue reached AU$44.5 million in FY23, with a remarkable Gross Marketplace Volume (GMV) growth of up to 24.9%, indicating sustained growth and development. Given Airtasker’s remarkable success and market expansion, now presents an opportune moment for businesses to explore similar platform development.

Cost Considerations for Developing a Pick Up and Delivery Service App Like Airtasker 

Developing an app akin to Airtasker entails several cost factors, including feature complexity, technological innovation, UI/UX design, and team location. The intricacy of features such as user profiles, task posting, messaging systems, payment gateways, and geolocation services significantly impacts development costs.

Considering these factors, the estimated cost of developing a custom service provider app like Airtasker typically ranges from $30,000 to $250,000. However, costs may vary depending on specific project requirements and chosen development approaches.

Types of Applications, Cost Estimation, and Time Duration

Type of Application Cost Estimation Time Duration
Basic $30,000 to $50,000 2-3 months
Intermediate $50,000 to $80,000 3-6 months
Advanced $80,000 to $250,000 9+ months

Global Talent Acquisition and Development Team Size

With the increasing trend of global talent acquisition, development teams in Asian countries are well-equipped to meet international and local compliance standards. Partnering with a development team in such locations can effectively address complex development challenges while ensuring cost-effectiveness.

Estimated Hourly Development Rates Across Various Regions

Region Hourly Rates of Development
UAE $60-$65
US $95-$100
Western Europe $80-$90
Australia $70-$90
Eastern Europe $50-$55
Asia $25-$40

App Development Team Size and Hourly Rates (Approx)

App Development Team Hourly Rates (Approx)
Project Manager $25 to $30
Tech Lead (Backend / Frontend) $28 to $30
Sr. Mobile App Developer $25 to $30
Sr. Web & Backend Developer $24 to $30
DevOps $25 to $30
Business Analyst $20 to $25
UX/UI $20 to $25
QA $20 to $25

Features and Functionalities

The features and functionalities integrated into an app like Airtasker are crucial factors determining development costs. Basic features like user profiles and task posting are fundamental, while additional features such as payment gateways and ratings enhance user experience but also increase costs.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Developing an Airtasker-like Service Delivery App: An In-depth Exploration of Cost Influencers

Creating an application akin to Airtasker entails a range of expenses that can fluctuate widely. Various elements impact these costs, each carrying significant weight in determining the overall budget. Let’s delve deeply into these factors to understand their influence on development expenses.

Key Factors Impacting Service Delivery App Like Airtasker

App Complexity

The complexity of the app, determined by the number and type of features, directly influences costs. Features such as user profiles, task posting, messaging systems, ad geolocation services contribute to cost variations.

Design Requirements

A well-crafted UI/UX design enhances user experience. Elements like user-friendly interfaces, intuitive navigation, visually appealing layouts, and consistent branding contribute to overall costs.

Development Team Location

The location of the development team significantly impacts costs due to varying hourly rates across regions. Outsourcing development to regions like Asia, offering quality solutions at lower costs, can optimize the development budget.

Development Team Size

The size and expertise of the development team affect costs. A skilled team can seamlessly integrate complex features, ensuring efficient development and high-quality outcomes.

Features and Functionalities

Basic features like user profiles and messaging systems are fundamental, while additional features such as payment gateways and ratings enhance user experience but also increase costs.

Third-party Integrations

Integrations like payment gateways and messaging services are essential but add complexity and costs to the development process.

Testing and Quality Assurance

Testing is crucial for bug-free functionality, especially for complex apps like Airtasker, adding to development costs.

Maintenance and Updates

Ongoing maintenance and updates are essential for app longevity, requiring budget allocation.

Legal and Compliance

Ensuring legal compliance, especially regarding user data and payments, adds to development costs.


The cost of developing an app like Airtasker demands careful planning and significant investment. Factors such as app complexity, design, team location, and features affect costs. However, with strategic planning and the right development team, businesses can create a successful platform that exceeds user expectations, offering a seamless and efficient solution for task delegation and service discovery.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Q: How long does it take to build a service delivery app like Airtasker?

A: The time to build a service delivery app varies based on complexity. A basic app can take 2-3 months, while more advanced apps may take 9+ months.

Q: What features are essential for a service delivery app?

A: Essential features include user profiles, task posting, messaging systems, payment gateways, geolocation services, ratings, and reviews.

Q: How much does it cost to build a pick up and delivery service app like Airtasker?

A: Costs range from $30,000 to $250,000, depending on features, design, development team location, and other factors.

Q: How can I ensure my app is compliant with legal regulations?

A: To ensure legal compliance, consult with legal experts familiar with app development and relevant regulations, such as GDPR or PCI DSS.

Maneesh Jha
CTO, Ijona

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